Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's okay . . .

I'm totally stealing this idea from a good friend with a great blog - check her out at Dreams, Diapers, and Dilemmas.  She stole the idea from her sister who stole it from a magazine, so I guess it's a catchy idea! Here goes.

It's okay that . . .

I'm hopelessly addicted to warm fuzzies.  Cats, dogs, my husband, my son, babies, chick flicks, and making memories on family outings. Maybe that could be the reason why I'm such a picture taking junkie and tell stories on end about my little boy.  I just love reliving the moments.  And hey, what's better than the smell of yummy babies and burying your face in a kitty's fur?

It's okay that my 3 year old was up until midnight last night because I accidentally got carried away with my scrapbooking in the afternoon and he ended up with a 4 hour nap.  Oops! 

It's okay that I'm a tomboy at heart but hate bugs or baiting my fish hooks.  It's about the only girly girl aspect about me.

It's okay that I'm a facebook junkie.  I love to stay up to date with friends and family, especially since we moved more north.  It has really become difficult to get to see everyone face to face on a regular basis, and lets just face it, what mom has time to spend hours on end on the phone?

It's okay that I hate being pregnant (but I love the results).  For anyone that spends their entire pregnancy yakking, fighting constant heartburn and sciatic nerve pain, you'd hate it too.

It's okay that I'm not Supermom.

It's okay that I'm a dreamer.  I get a high just planning things and thinking about how I'm going to do something, even if I know, it's probably never going to happen.  Optimism is healthy!

It's okay that I nap just about every day, even when I'm not pregnant.  If it's good for the Spanish, it's good for me!

It's okay that I LOVE homemade mac and cheese and just can't wait to microwave the leftovers the next day.

It's okay that I love Road to Avonlea and would watch episodes for hours on end if I had the time.  My heart melts every time I hear Gus Pike say "Mess Kang (Miss King)" with his alluring accent.  : D  And yes, I will admit, I dragged my husband with me to the Road to Avonlea cast reunion at the Royal Ontario Museum a few years back.  I even made him be the one to take the picture of me with 'Gus' (Michael Mahonen).  And yes, he said "Mess Kang" for me!!!! Eeeee!  Next to my wedding day and the day my son was born, it was just about the next best day of my life!

What's your "It's okay . . ." list?  Share your comments, I'd love to hear!

Friday, June 11, 2010


For mother's day this past May, my mom surprised ME with a mother's day gift.  Totally unexpected and so sweet.  Thanks, Mom!  Anyway, in it, there was this little book called Momisms: What She Says and What She Really Means.  I've been leafing through over the past few weeks, whenever a spare moment (ha!) comes my way.  The crazy thing about this little book, is that there are 105 momisms in it - EVERY one of which I've heard before and many of which I've already used in my three short years as a mom.  Some of them are just too hilarious to keep to myself, so I thought I'd post a few . . .

Momism #4 - This one is soooo me!
"Put that down - you don't know where it's been!"
{Referring mainly to objects found on the ground in public places - things like coins, candy, half-eaten sandwiches, and used chewing gum -- this ism reflects every mom's pathological fear of germs.}

Momism #5 - One I heard repeatedly as a child.
"They're just jealous, that's all."
{A time-honoured but weak attempt to comfort a child who has been treated cruelly by his or her peers.  This ism is often uttered through clenched teeth as Mom plans the untimely, slow, and painful demise of her kid's tormentors.}

Momsism #6 - I honestly just used this one today, for this exact reason!  LOL!
"What did I just say?"
{The child interprets this as a challenge over whether or not they are paying attention.  But in most cases, the actual translation is, "I'm not testing your hearing.  I have actually forgotten what I just said and I'm hoping you can tell me."}

Momsim #10
"This place is a pigsty!"
{This pathetic attempt at motivating children to improve their housekeeping skills usually falls on deaf ears, especially with urban urchins who think a pigsty is an eye infection in swine.}

Momism #27
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
{Moms do not like to be ignored, especially when delivering a long, impassioned diatribe on a child's bad behaviour.  Maintaining eye contact is the only way a mom can tell if her message is getting through, even if the eyes in question seem to be glazed over in a zombielike state.

Momism #46
"Don't forget to flush (or brush, floss, wipe, etc.)."
{One of the many daunting responsibilities in a mother's life is to train her son(s) in the fine art of personal hygiene.  This is easier said than done since most boys, until the approximate age of thirty, require constant daily reminders to perform the most basic of hygienic tasks.  These momisms are used several times a day around most households.  Sometimes, moms find it difficult to leave these warnings at home and may absentmindedly yell: "Don't forget to wipe!" as their young sons head for the rest room of a five star restaurant.}

Momism #93 - I've told myself this one many times!
"This, too, shall pass."
{An old standby, this is the ism to try when no other ism will do.}

Momism #105
"I love you."
{No translation necessary.}