Micah arrived a little early, at 9:28am on August 25th, 2010, and I couldn't be more thrilled to not have to hang on another three weeks! I had a feeling, one way or another, he was going to be coming early. It turned out I had preeclampsia and they decided to do an emergency induction to get him out before my health took a turn for the worse. After a not too difficult 11 hours of labour (Yay for epidurals!), Micah arrived a healthy 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/2" long. We went home the next day, and so our new life as a family of four, began!
Daddy's idea of labour . . .
Fruit of Mommy's labour . . .
(Hospital pictures are never flattering!)
At long last, after much anticipation, Big Brother meets Little Brother!
Our precious wee boy, finally home!